Church Vision
Elohim Salvation Ministries is a church where the Word of God reigns supreme. It will grow and prevail against unbelief, culture and worldly influence in the lives of people, creating Christ-formed lives.
It is a church that will grow thousands of people who will be healthy, growing and in full love. Love for the broken-hearted, the needy, the homeless shall be freely given to transform Millions of Lives. This Church demonstrates the love of Jesus outside and inside its walls through acts of Service and God’s Transforming power.
This is a church that will bring a radical change in the lives of ordinary people.
This is a church that will go out of its way to address the social needs of the communities.
This is a church that will go out of its way to address the social needs of the communities.
This is a church that will uphold and reinforce the better life for all to its members and the community and encourage its members to leave their lives righteously .
Our Mision
God’s Word is taught with simplicity, accuracy and with power of the Holy Ghost, the Word of God shall be believed, lived purposefully and shared freely to those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Background about Elohim Salvation Ministries
The ministry of Elohim Salvation Ministries it is a salvation, healing and prophetic ministry that was
revealed by God to his servant Prophet Benjamin Mogapi Diutlwileng, on the 23 August 2014. The
Anointed Prophet Benjamin Diutlwileng who was born in a very devoted family which was residing in
Moletsane (Soweto) and during the uprising of June 16, 1976, the family moved to the village of
Oskraal where the Prophet was raised and mentored as a leader within the structures of Methodist
Church of South Africa.
At the age of 13 Our Prophet as he was attending his primary schooling at Itumeleng Primary School,
he then heard the voice of the Lord while he was in a class quoting “Jeremiah 1:5” and ever since his
life took another direction. Prophet Benjamin as he is well-known to many people, started receiving
many revelations and dreams about many things within the family and about the country of South
Africa. Amongst other things he prophesied the coming of Ex-President Thabo Mbeki into presidency,
The passing away of the Second Comforter Rev Glayton Modise, The rise of accidents toll in 2015, the
reshuffling of the cabinet etc.
During his growing into the things of God, he has been to many other religious and apostolic churches
that includes the Church of Christ Assemblies which was the last church that he attended before God
had called him into salvation. His calling to establish Elohim Salvation Ministries it came after he was
diagnosed with a heart deases in June 2012 and he was later admitted at Heart Medi Clinic in Pretoria,
where he was taken into theatre and after operation, a pacemaker was installed on his body. In July
2013, he was diagnosed with a mild stroke that affected the heart and for the second time he was taken
to the same hospital, and it was founded that the left artery was closed at about 90% and that meant he
was surviving only at 10% and he was taken to theatre and a stent was installed on the left artery. In
2013 June, he got sick again and he was taken to the same hospital and an appoint was made for him
to do the third operation.
Prior to the appointment, He received Salvation of Jesus
during the Altar call and he was prayed for by the Man of God and after that One touch from the Man of
God that was the end of his misery, when he went to the hospital 3 days after he was prayed for then
everything that was installed and diagnosed in him it was nomore there, his story of life changed and
after that a journey of real life began. (You can read more about this story on His book titled: A
Heart of a Christian”)
The Ministry was officially launched on 04 January 2015, in Letlhabile location Zone 5. The Ministry
grew from strength to strength, from levels to dimensions through preaching the word, and God
confirmed his presence in the ministry by performing many mind blowing signs, miracles and wonders
including raising of the dead. Prophet Benjamin continued preaching the word without compromise and revering God in all the things
he does, taking care of the needy and transforming the lives of the people.